Complete Shoulder Workout at Personaltrainerat

Sholders complete workout for beginners


Guide : Straight sets work fine here, but for fun and torture, consider a laddered set: 5 reps on one side while the other side is held out, then switch, then 4 reps, then 3, 2, and 1. When you reach the end of the set, keep the weight up as long as you can before lowering it back down. Do the same for the other shoulder Workout

Video Links is in Below...

Complete Chest Workout

Incline Dumbbell Fly

Steps:- Complete 3 sets of 12-15 reps, pushing yourself to reach those higher reps range to pump more blood into your pecs.

Video link is in Below!

Jumping Rope For Wight Loss

  Jumping Rope

For Burning a Fat in Your Body, I like to throw a jump rope into youre workout. Sometimes I'll even make it a stand-alone workout. It's great if you're pressed on time and need to work up a sweat quickly. You can use a variety of speeds, frequencies, and rest periods to put together a unique program each time. Plus, it's convenient and can be done just about anywhere—all you need is a rope.

When I incorporate my jump rope cardio session into my workout routine, I like to jump for a prescribed number of jumps or amount of time between exercises. I do 50-100 jumps or jump for 30-60 seconds between exercises. It's a fantastic way to keep my heart rate up while I'm working out.
An increased heart rate speeds up fat loss, keeps things interesting, and gives you one heck of a workout in the process.

Cardio Workout to Lose Belly Fat

 Fat-Blasting Cardio Workouts

1. The Stairmaster

The Stairmaster is my first and favorite cardio choice for a number of reasons. Most importantly, it targets your glutes and thighs and it's guaranteed to make you sweat. Think about it: When's the last time you saw somebody not covered in sweat after ten minutes of climbing?

The Stairmaster's also great for fat loss. In fact, if you get into a really aggressive mindset, you can almost feel the fat melting off you. The key is intensity. Don't treat your time on the stepper as you would a typical jaunt on the treadmill or stroll in the park. Crank up the intensity a bit, and get to work.
I usually do 20-30 minutes of Stairmaster two to three times per week. I love how versatile it is. You can do both high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and low-intensity steady-state cardio (LISS). Both styles deliver great results.
One effective method is to alternate styles throughout the week so your glutes and thighs—as well as the rest of your body—get the best of both worlds. Be prepared to be challenged, no matter which version you pick. Always push your limits. During my LISS cardio, I also like to incorporate glute kickbacks to really target my rear. It's a superb way to bring out your bum during your cardio routine. You'll definitely be pleased with the results.

Diet Plan to gain Weight for Beginners



2 Slice Wheat Bread Triangles

20 Grams of Mushroom Quarters
20 Grams of Onion & Capsicum
2 Spoons of Tomato Puree(Home Made)
Herbs to taste 
5 to 8 Drops of Olive Oil


Add a few drops of olive oil to a non-stick pan, mix chopped onions, capsicums, boiled mushroom.
Sauté for 2 mints and add in tomato purée with salt and chili flakes.
Take 2 slices of bread and apply mint chutney on the inner side and slight Nutrilite on upper grill.
Serve crisp with garlic sauce (hung curd) mint chutney and ketchup.

Health Tips




1 cup grated lauki/ghia/doodhi(bottle gourd)
4 tsp of sugar
1 L skimmed milk
½ tsp cardamom powder
4-5 Almonds
4-5 Raisins


1. Bring the milk to boil in a heavy bottom pan.
2. Reduce for 20 minutes on low flame and stir occasionally.
3. Add the grated lauki and cook till the milk thickens.
4. Add the sugar and cook for 5 more minutes.
5. Add the dry fruits and the cardamom powder and serve.

Weight Loss Tip

                        OATS & CHIA SEEDS SMOOTHIE


  •   ½ cup hung curd or milk
  • 1 tsp chia seeds
  • 1 ½ tbsp oats
  • Fruit (1 small banana or 2 -3 strawberries-chopped)
  • Add hung curd or milk, chia seeds, and oats into a glass, and keep it aside for an hour.
  • Give a mix then add any one fruit from the above list and blend it.
  • Your smoothie is ready.